Farm school

Future Vision

Imagine with us for a moment...

Imagine a warm and inviting farmhouse with a big stone fireplace, that serves as a cottage school. It is set on a lovely parcel of wooded acreage out in the country. There are mature oak trees, perhaps a tree swing, a barn and walking trails. There is plenty of open space for chickens, milk cows, raised garden beds and of course, children! A few days per week our homeschool friends come with their innate curiosity to explore with wonder & delight the ever-expanding discoveries of God's creation. 

In addition to and in support of their traditional studies, the children gain essential life skills through an experiential style of learning. They use their reasoning minds to understand the intricacies of nature and are able to draw objective conclusions from known scientific facts. They develop in character as they help tend and care for the animals and the garden. God has graciously made himself known through the design and beauty of this world, which mirrors the reflection of His glorious character. He invites us to learn from and take delight in it.

Just as the little acorn is formed into a mighty oak tree, God is forming each one of our lives for a purpose!

"For everything was created by him, in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible... all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things and by him all things hold together."   Colossians 1:16-17